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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf

Just finished The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf. It was the story of a sheltered young woman, Rachel Vinrace, who takes a trip to South America. On this voyage she meets an eclectic group of fellow travelers. The bulk of the narrative revolves around the various characters discussing such issues as religion, class, gender, etc.

Although I wasn't exactly captivated by this story there was one character that I can somewhat relate to. That is St. John Hirst, a young academic who has a problem relating to people.

The next book from the list will be L' Abbe C by Georges Bataille. This was suppose to be the previous book but it did not arrive in time plus I wanted to try out my Nook anyway.


  1. I like it. It kinda blinks when changing pages. I thought that would bother me, however I've gotten used to it. Battery life is pretty good.
