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Villette by Charlotte Bronte


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Friday, February 11, 2011

The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot

Just finished The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot who actually turned out to be a woman named Mary Ann Evans. I knew there was at least one famous female author who had a male pen-name. The book told the story of the Tullivers of Dorlcote Mill. The story mainly revolves around the actions of young Maggie Tulliver and her older brother Tom. While visiting Tom at school, Maggie is introduced to Philip Wakem, the "deformed" son of their father's enemy. Maggie has a soft spot for Philip, however the elder Tulliver ends up losing his land and mill to the elder Wakem. Maggie is forced by Tom to cut off all communication with Philip. After Mr. Tulliver's death, Tom rises to a station where he is able to regain their land and the mill. Meanwhile, Maggie and their cousin's suitor, Stephen Guest, fall in love. Maggie is torn between her feelings for Guest and her obligations toward her cousin, Philip, and Tom.

While this is most certainly not the favorite book that I've read on this quest, it was rather enjoyable. Even though the story takes place in England, it seems like it could just as easily been set in Southeastern United States. The aunts were especially entertaining. I almost expected to read the words "Bless her heart" or "God love her." Here are a couple of passages that I especially liked:

"The days of chivalry are not gone, notwithstanding Burke's grand dirge over them: they live still in that far-off worship paid by many a youth and man to the woman of whom he never dreams that he shall touch so much as her little finger or the hem of her robe."

Isn't that the truth? (And yes I initially type "ain't.")

And this one which was part of the farewell letter from Philip to Maggie. When I read this it took me back to a few years ago when for the first time in my life I helplessly and hopelessly fell in love with somebody. In the interceding years I have tried on several occasions to put my feelings into words and I could never quite express what I meant.

"....that no anguish I have had to bear on your account has been too heavy a price to pay for the new life into which I entered in loving you.....I never expected happiness; and in knowing you, in loving you, I have had and still have, what reconciles me to life. You have been to my affections what light, what colour is to my eyes--what music is to the inward ear; you have raised a dim unrest into a vivid consciousness....I am strong enough to obey any word which shall tell me taht I can serve you by word or deed."

Okay so next up shall be L' Abbe C by Georges Bataille which I'm awaiting. If it doesn't come in the mail tomorrow, I will chose one of my e-books to read on my new Nook.

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