Currently Reading

Currently Reading
Villette by Charlotte Bronte


80 of 1001 Books Read

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just finished with Fingersmith by Sarah Waters. The title of the book is a term for a petty thief. The title also alludes to the eroticism in the book. In the story, Sue Trinder, a fingersmith under the matronly Mrs. Sucksby. Sue poses as a maid for Maud Lilly in order to help a man named Gentleman steal Lilly's inheritance. Of course things don't go as planned.

The first blurb on the back states:

"Superb storytelling. Fingersmith is gripping; so suspenseful and twisting is the plot that for the last 250 pages, I read at breakneck speed."
-USA Today

I find that funny because the last 100 pages seemed to take me forever.

Next up shall be Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. In addition I will try to find the urge to keep calling it Far From the Maddening Crowd.


  1. I wish I could read as fast as you. You've read so many books,and I'm still working on the same three. I think I will buckle down and try to finish all of them before June is out!

  2. Without sounding morose, I wish I didn't have such an over-abundance of free time.
