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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy

Just finished Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy. I can't tell how many times people asked me what I was reading and I wanted ever so much to say Maddening Crowd instead of the proper Madding Crowd. This was the first of Hardy's novels which took place in the fictional Wessex which is based on the Dorchester area. The story is full of biblical references including the names of the two main characters, Gabriel Oak and Bathsheba Everdene.

The story revolves around a young woman who is romantically pursued by three men, Gabriel Oak, William Boldwood, and Francis Troy. Oak accepts his rejection with dignity and decides that through whatever he wants to be a friend to Bathsheba. Boldwood however seems to become obsessed with Bathsheba and this eventually destroys his character. Meanwhile Bathsheba chooses Troy who of the three is far less either Oak or Boldwood. A woman choosing rogue over two honorable, decent fellows? Good thing this story is fiction. I mean that kind of stuff doesn't really happen, does it?

For a good chunk of the story I could sympathize with Boldwood. I mean I've had the "woman of my dreams" choose an inconsequential oaf with no substance whatsoever over me. But here's the thing he couldn't move on. He eventually allowed his character to be pulled down to a point unbecoming of the honor and integrity with which he had lived.

Next up is Concrete by Thomas Bernhard.

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