Currently Reading

Currently Reading
Villette by Charlotte Bronte


80 of 1001 Books Read

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Wow! Finally finished with Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe! I never knew that the matriach of the Flanders family had such an eventful life. Unfortunately, the book read as if Ned Flanders wrote it. I mean I wasn't expecting porn but dang it was kinda dull. The book was divided into two sections. The first described her five marriages. The second detailed her life as thief. The crazy thing is that the second part was by far more interesting. Also the e-book experiment will probably need to be put on hiatus until I actually buy the Nook proper because turning the page 3-4 times to actually read a full page is just too annoying.

Okay, onward and upward. Next on the list is The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I've previously read Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky and it seemed to take forever and I was quite confused. I did read a bit of the introduction and so this time I understand the Russian naming protocol. For instance my name would be Keith Haroldovitch Adams and I would be formally addressed as Keith Haroldovitch.


  1. The second name is a variation of the father's name with -vitch as the ending for a male and -ovna as the ending for a female.
