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Currently Reading
Villette by Charlotte Bronte


80 of 1001 Books Read

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Difficult this is!

I'm having some serious problems with the e-reader app. I'm reading Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe and I'm making practically no progress. This is a true story. Really would I make something like this up.

Keith Adams: I hate this Nook app for the Droid. What who is this?

Keith: Master Yoda!
Yoda: Yes, young one. Hearing you very disturbed I am.
Keith: But master I'm constantly flipping pages and it doesn't seem like I'm making any progress.
Yoda: Matter it does not. Hate there can be not. To the dark side it will lead you. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Keith: Okay Yoda, I'll give it another try.
Yoda: Do or do not....there is no try.
Keith: Yes, master.