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Currently Reading
Villette by Charlotte Bronte


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper


During the fierce French and Indian wars, an adroit scout named Hawkeye and his companion Chingachgook weave through the spectacular and dangerous wilderness of upstate New York, fighting to save the beautiful Munro sisters from the Huron renegade Magua.

Okay I'm a few days late on updating this one. I don't have the excuse of saying I've been busy or anything. I just haven't done it yet. At least I'm honest. Anywho, I finished The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper. I got through this book quicker than my most recent books. Its a relief when the good ole Randomizer falls on a book that is not about a star-crossed governess. After finishing the book, I watched a bit of the movie "based" on the novel. The one starring Daniel-Day Lewis and Madeleine Stowe. Other than having most of the characters there is really little in common between the book and the movie. Quite disappointing.

Next up is Villette by Charlotte Bronte.

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