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Villette by Charlotte Bronte


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Monday, August 8, 2011

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Preconceived notions and status are at the heart of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Throughout the story there are numerous examples of where characters let either what they have heard about or the social standing of the characters bias their opinions of that character. Take for example the protaganist, Elizabeth Bennet, her opinion of Mr. Darcy is initially painted by the fact that when they met he wasn't practically falling all over her. Meanwhile she and most everyone else is enamored by the dubious George Wickham. These preconceived notions are hard to shake as the story goes on and Darcy's goodness shines through and Wickham is exposed as the n'r-do-well that he is, many of he opinions do not change. For his part, Darcy initially believes that he the Bennets are beneath himself and his friend. So pride and prejudice. See what she did there.

I won't pretend that this is amongst my favorites. That'd be a lie. However, I did like the story much more than I believed I would. Even when I sat in the crowded breakroom I eventually had no qualms about answering people's inquires as to what I was reading by saying "Pride and Prejudice." See what I did there.

Next up is The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett.


  1. Well it is amongst one of my favorites ;) But I'm a girl. Is The Thin Man have anything to do with the old movies by the same name with William Powell and Myrna Loy?
