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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cranford by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

Last night I finished Cranford by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell. This is the story of a fictional English town named Cranford and the ladies who reside there. This ladies are obsessed with gentility and station. At one point the Alpha Female of the town takes a trip to Cheltenham and the ladies don't decide that they will not decide how they feel about an occurrence until she returns. These ladies adventures played out quite comically. Cranford was initially published in serial format in a magazine edited by Gaskell's friend Charles Dickens.

This was the first book that I've read on my Nook that was not a dedicated e-book. I don't know if thats the proper term or not. What I mean to say is that it was converted from a hard copy book to a digital file. This caused the structure of the book to be off. Meaning for example at times it would seem like a new paragraph was starting in mid sentence. I suppose this is where initially the page changed. Also, from time to time in the middle of the page the word "Cranford" or a number would appear. I don't know if this occurred during digitalizing or if it was the edition but quite a few words had bizarre letters in them. After a while I began to barely notice it and was able to figure out what the words were suppose to be.

Next up will be Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte.....wait a minute I gotta do a Bronte check.....yep Anne Bronte.

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