Currently Reading

Currently Reading
Villette by Charlotte Bronte


80 of 1001 Books Read

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Well I lost my copy of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency before I could finish so I'm moving on to the next book which is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen.

It was so weird. It reminded me how crazy memory is. Last Monday when I left work I was going to drive to a concert in Atlanta. So I stepped into the bathroom to change out of my work clothes and into something more appropriate to the situation. The next day I go to my truck to get the book and when I couldn't find it I assumed that I left it in my locker at work. Being off the next two days I didn't think much of it but then on Thursday morning while I was getting ready for work, I went to my truck to get my lunch kit to prepare my lunch. And it all came flowing back to me. When I popped into the bathroom I sat my lunch kit and book down beside the bench in the layaway area and when I came out of the bathroom I was in such a rush that I did not pick them back up. Funny how thinking of the book didn't trigger my memory.

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